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2001-07-30 - 9:36 AM

Dream number two

Dream: Am at school, in a science class, drinking notes and taking coffee. Hah hah hah. You know what I mean. I was new. And there was something about the coffee I was drinking, something unusual that I don't remember. My science teacher sounds like an automated tape. Wait -- I think my science teacher is an automated tape, or just uses one to teach. The tape was in the middle of a joke, and class ends. We file out. I wish that I can start over. I think I did something wrong. But class starts again five seconds later, and I come back, my coffee still waiting for me. I start to walk to my desk, considering sitting at another one, and wonder if they will be fooled into thinking I'm someone else. I sit down at my own desk, and the joke on the automated tape resumes. Nobody laughs at the punchline. I wish that I had told it.

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