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2002-06-27 - ?:?? PM


I am looking upwards at the sky -- in this picture, it is all that is visible. It is nighttime, and there is a swirl of very dark clouds obscuring portions the sky, a little off-center. The clouds are darker than the nighttime, so you can see the exact shape of them, wispy dark clouds which in all respects resemble the Milky Way.
A thin and barely visible dot trails down from the depths of the dark clouds and falls downward until it disappears from my vision, melting into the depth halfway down. I direct the attention to whoever is around me (I can still see only sky) to the falling star I just witnessed. Another one seeps slowly out from the cloud cluster, and builds momentum as it progresses downward, like a raindrop on a decending track of a pane of glass.
"Look!" I cry. "There's another one!"
One more falls as I watch, coming again from the dark clouds. This one is bright and large, and falling faster than the previous two. This star does not disappear into the sky's infinite belly like all the rest have -- instead, I am able to trace its track as it gets lower and lower into the sky, closer and closer into to horizon. It is only when the sky disappears behind a building that I cannot see it anymore, but it makes its presence known audibly -- the loudest sound I have ever heard literally explodes into existence.
The sound is more than heard, but experienced with every sense. It is this sound that breaks all boundries of possible sound: the noise is felt and seen, smelled and tasted, heard a billion times over, overlapping each other with a five second delay. As if to provide a sense of direction, a concentrated cloud of fire is birthed and then dispersed just above the horizon where the star apparently crashed, like a sun's rise in super fast forwarding.
A meteor has hit the Earth.
I try to stand up, but my muscles suddenly become tightly wound rubber bands, and so I stumble and cannot properly move.
As a result of the incredible sound still occuring with echoes in my mind, I jolt suddenly out of bed, searching for the source of the sound because I do not believe that something that powerful had come out of just my mind.

The Past