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2005-12-04 - 10:11 a.m.

Information needed

I've never been able to draw beyond crude drawings of stick figures gouging out their own eyeballs or kicking each other in the head. I have come to accept the fact that I am not visually artistic, but the abstracts of words and phrases comes naturally to me. However, for a few years now I've had the urge to paint, and as time goes on the craving gets stronger. Maybe it's the tendancy to leave a legacy of ink and color before my fifteen minutes are over (or before they've begun), but a dire question remains: If I can't draw, can I still paint? Are the two art forms even vaguely related? How many famous painters simply could not draw?

This isn't rhetorical here, people. I know somebody is out there who can answer this (ElitistThirst, where are you?).

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