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2013-02-03 - 11:41 p.m.

Hello, I'm back

Oh, what to do with this waste of space? I have occupied this side of the web for so many years. It is like shining a flashlight at the sun. It is like yelling in a room with no one.

Yet, it is comforting to keep you here, you internet ghost of my past. It has always helped me as a writer, knowing that whatever nonsense I pen here does not matter, that in all likelihood I am not read, but the very fact that this is public makes me pay more attention.

This place here used to be where I'd run wild, just type, and I think I've lost this habit along the way. Writing, trying to really do the thing, debasing myself with keyword-rich internet articles and bland assignments, and then settling down to work on my Serious Projects. There is little room for free play. I did my best work when I was not trying to work. But does that mean that I should stop working?

Ah. Lately I just want to fjdakjeioanfda,mfdsaierhjiesafjsal. Yes. And then later some asekoruaiofmklag.xzeruioawfjldskafmkldsavmlcfzhftreiowrhjeoqwijrfa. Yes, because I'm bored of structure. I'm craving more chaos, or something resembling ckatrhjeiwaierahygnfdsiohra. Yes, something like that.

The Past